On 13 August 2016 the family (Delma, Peyton, Brookelyn, Mikailla, Colten, and Kimber) and I headed out to Mount Rainier National Park with the intent of heading to Fremont Lookout. In this case the lookout is not actually located within the activation area of the summit. Another example of this is Jumpoff Mountain (W7W/MC-047) which also has the activation area a short distance from the lookout. We had originally planned to be out of the house early, but that did not happen. Kimber once again had a rough night sleeping and we all slept in until about 9ish. This meant that we were not getting out of the house until around 1030. With a stop by the store for some food and snacks for the road. Needless to say we were not actually on the road
until about 1130, which put us a Sunrise at about 1400. Anyone that has ever hiked with 5 kids knows that there is no way that we were going to make it to Fremont by my scheduled time of 1600, besides that we were going to walk right by the summit in route to the lookout and then return for the hike up to the true summit. My first contact on the summit was near 0100z time.When we arrived at the summit I was relieved to find that there was plenty of room for the kids to do kid stuff without dad having to worry to much about them falling off of a cliff. There are still plenty of places for them to fall but there is also plenty of room for them to roam and bang rocks together making big rocks into small rocks! This seemed to be the fun of the day. Petyon went looking for a benchmark on the summit but was not able to find one. Delma started working the 2m call frequency and soon racked up 9 contacts in a relatively short time. I was setting up HF while trying to help Del log contacts on my phone. HF was fairly slow but I was still able to get some of my favorite chasers and a few new ones. I was a little worried that I would get a pretty good pileup if somehow the world found out that I was in a National Park. I really did not have the time to stick around to long so I am glad that did not happen. I worked 7 different chasers and then went down to 40 to try and work Phil in Oregon. We bounced around on frequencies and modes quiet a bit but I was never able to make the contact. I could hear Phil on 40m SSB but he was not able to pull my QRP signal out I do not believe. After trying to work Phil for a little bit the sun was starting to drop and it was starting to get a little chilly. Time to start heading back to the trailhead. We made it off the summit easily and gained the trail making the quick trip back to the car.
caltopo.com - 2.25 mile hike with 1,306 ft of elevation gain. One note for this activation. The highpoint is neither at the lookout nor the named peak. Make sure that you are heading to the right spot or you will not be in the activation area. |
This Graph was also designed and downloaded on caltopo.com I thought it was a pretty cool feature.
http://aprs.fi/#!mt=roadmap&z=11&call=a%2FKF7PXT&timerange=86400&tail=86400 |
****UPDATE: The position ambiguity setting is very important if you want people to know exactly where you are at. Put the setting to off....unless you don't want some serial killer to know where you are, or you are running from the law then it is best to put it at 4...or just turn off your APRS :)
APRS was working well from the van though. http://aprs.fi/#!mt=terrain&z=10&call=a%2FKF7PXT-5&timerange=86400&tail=86400 |
Other Small details |
Weather was amazing. 75 degrees when we left the van and a great view of Mount Rainier the whole day. We even got a little breeze for most of the trip that kept everything tolerable.
Plenty of Mountain goats around, approximately 40 spotted the whole day, a few elk at the parking lot, and a few chipmunks on the trail.
Download GPS files here: http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=3473025 or here https://www.dropbox.com/s/6fhzywkrh35qo87/Mount%20Fremont.gpx?dl=0
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Kimber (3) was a little tired by the end of the day. Her legs seem to be bothering her and she was fighting a bit of a cold. She rode the dad limo for a good portion.
Thanks everyone for reading my blog and chasing Delma and I while we are on the summit. We had a great day!